WE ARE ALL MADE OF GLUE tells the story of a middle aged woman whose husband has just left her. She meets an elderly neighbour who is living in a decaying house, which estate agents are attempting to get their hands on in anticipation of a juicy sale. This elderly neighbour is charming and fun and apparently a Holocaust survivor. The odd job man she finds for the house is a Palestinian.
At this point, though I know it is mean, I can only say: blah blah blah. Insights into other cultures, religion in the modern world, ad?@sldiafaseijrtwe. I’m sorry, I just feel asleep on my keyboard.
Here are a couple of searing insights our central character has for us about the Middle East Peace Process:
Zion was their big dream. It was a good dream too. But they found you can’t build dreams with guns. Just nightmares.
Profound. Try also:
Maybe forgiveness isnt’such a big deal, after all. Maybe it’s just a matter of habit. All this mental activity was making me thirsty. I put the kettle on and nipped down to the bakery for a Danish pastry.
That faux naif narrative voice alone is enough to make my eyeballs bleed.
I read Lewycka’s A BRIEF HISTORY OF TRACTORS IN UKRANIAN some time ago, and found it to be a charming and funny book with a heart of gold. I’m even fond of the author, who sounds charming in interviews, and was rejected 36 times before TRACTORS was published. I really can’t imagine what’s gone so totally wrong in the writing that turned out this dreary and simplistic novel. Sorry Marina!