I never review books where I know the author
FROST IN MAY by Antonia White
This is a neatly written novel about a child’s life in a convent school. It is based on the author’s own experiences in the early twentieth century, and it is as impressively weird as you hope such a place might be. They bathe in cloaks, so as not to see their own bodies. They try to sleep on their backs, with their hands crossed on their chests, so they will be neat if they die in their beds. They are not allowed to have particular friends. They are not supposed to enjoy things they are good at.
Unsurprisingly, the author does not emerge from this unscathed. In fact, she is pretty well scathed. A novel she has half completed is confiscated by a nun, and she is expelled. So terrible does she find this, that she doesn’t write again for twenty years, and when she does it is simply to tell this story. As strange website catholicwriters.com tells us, she never again felt enjoyment of artistic expression.
I admired the writing here. It is careful and evocative. I also enjoyed learning about a long dead world. And yet somehow I can’t say I really liked this book, for all it is so clearly deeply felt. I guess it is just an example of the sad fact that your own painful experience is often just not all that interesting to others. A good lesson for us all.
I’m staggered that this book not only got published, but has been highly praised. It’s basically stream of consciousness chat from some millenial. What I have deduced is that New York publishing must be full of people who are too old to be millenials and are worried that they may appear irrelevant. Thus, they don’t want to come out and say, this millenial has no clothes.
But I’ll go ahead and say it, because I definitely think this young emperor is most certainly super naked. I get the idea of trying to be super close to the real by actually just writing down what you really said, but damn, what if what you actually said was dull or embarrassingly self-indulgent?
Perhaps actually the self-indulgence is actually what bothered me most. I’m not usually acutely aware of my status as a developing world immigrant, but this book made me feel it. I genuinely can’t imagine feeling that problems this minor deserve to be written up. It’s a scale of entitlement to happiness that I am both annoyed by and envious of.
Less you think I am exaggerating, let me tell you that one of the most important conflicts of this book is when one girl buys the same dress as another girl.
Let’s end with possibly the only good paragraph in the book. Well, I don’t know about good. At least horrifying:
We are all specks of dirt, all on this earth at the same time. I look at all the people who are alive today and think, These are my contemporaries. These are my fucking contemporaries! We live in an age of some really great blow-job artists. Every era has its art form. The nineteenth century, I know, was tops for the novel. I just do what I an not to gag too much. I know boyfriends get really excited when they can touch the soft flesh at the back of your throat. At these times, I just try to breathe through my nose and not throw up on their cock. I did vomit a little the other day, but I kept right on sucking.
I’ve concluded that a large part of the appeal is the sparkling contemporary dialogue, particularly some of the best use of IM and email I’ve ever read. I’ve actually only just noticed while writing this sentence that the title of the novel is CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS, suggesting that Rooney may know what she is doing. Here is a fun sample of a conversation between Frances and her ‘girlfriend’:
So how bad is this crush, from one to ten? she said. Ten being the kind of crush you had on me in school.
And one being a really serious crush?
She laughed, even though her mouth was full of cereal bar.
Whatever, she said. Is it like, you have fun talking to him online, or like, you want to tear him open and drink his blood?
There’s something very acutely observed about the way Rooney looks at modern relationships. Here for example Frances is having bad sex on a Tinder date:
I let myself become rigid and silent, waiting for Rossa to notice my rigidity and stop what he was doing, but he didn’t. I considered asking him to stop, but the idea that he might ignore me felt more serious than the situation needed to be. Don’t get yourself into a big legal thing, I thought. I lay there and let him continue.
There is also a lot of fun in the recreation of the world of the very young adult. This may be in part because Rooney is – brace yourself – just 26 years old herself. Here is Frances on her plans for the future:
I hadn’t been kidding with Philip about not wanting a job. I didn’t want one. I had no plans as to my future financial sustainability: I never wanted to earn money for doing anything. . . . Though I knew I would eventually have to enter full-time employment, I certainly never fantasized about a radiant future where I was paid to perform an economic role. Sometimes this felt like a failure to take an interest in my own life, which depressed me. On the other hand, I felt that my disinterest in wealth was ideologically healthy.
There are a few false notes – British writers like ‘self-harm’ as a narrative device almost as much, and use it almost as cynically, as they do ‘child abuse’ – but other than these few caveats, I would whole heartedly recommend it. I’m still turning it over in my mind, trying to figure out what is about it that is so wonderful.
SEALED by Naomi Booth
For a sci-fi novel to be successful, it always has to be about something other than sci-fi. And that ‘something other’ comes from the short list of human concerns we all know: love, loss, death, etc. This sci-fi novel is extraordinarily successful, and this comes in part from a quirky and original premise, but also because it is actually about something quite unusual too: birth.
Alice is heavily pregnant. Herself and her partner move to a rural part of Australia to get away from the increasing toxicity of the city, and from what Alice thinks is a outbreak of a dangerous disease, called Cutis, which means your skin starts to close over your orifices. Alice is hugely worried – she will only eat so called ‘protected’ foods; she washes herself after it rains; she thinks the government is covering up how bad Cutis is. Part of the success of the book is that it is unclear how much of this is her imagination and how much real. One reason she loves her partner Pete is that he is so much more relaxed than her, though of course, human relationships being what they are, this also annoys her.
The countryside has its own issues. The health services are shutting down. People are being evacuated in preparation for a ‘heat event,’ though they believe this is just a ruse to move them somewhere more central so services can be provided more cheaply. It all has an eerily plausible feel.
I won’t give away everything that happens, but let’s just say Cutis attacks the orifice most important for child birth, and a kitchen knife is involved. And yet, bloodshed aside, the novel is actually about hope, and about how you can have new beginning, even at the end of the world. It’s hard to explain. You’ll have to read it to find out. I recommend you do: it’s a very fine novel. Unless of course you are pregnant, in which case DEFINITELY DON’T.
A WHOLE LIFE by Robert Seethaler
Why is it that any book which tells the story of someone’s life from beginning to end is always a sad book? Even if the central character has a happy life, the story is somehow always still sad. I guess it’s because while you can win the battle – even all the battles – you can never win the war. No matter how many dangers you dodge, or narrow escapes you manage, or serial killers you avoid over the course of a whole life, you’re always dead at the end.
This book tells the story of a life that didn’t win that many battles, never mind the war. It’s about a man called Andreas who lives in a village in the German mountains. He is orphaned, then abused by an uncle, then loses his wife to an avalanche, then gets conscripted into the army and is a prisoner of war, then comes home and lives alone in a shack. And all the time you know he’s just going to die at the end.
It’s beautifully written, and wise, but really I found it annoying. Perhaps this is because I am still young enough to be in rebellion against death in general. But perhaps also it is because Andreas is so annoying. He is the strong, silent, and apparently half-witted type, who recounts the various horrors he endures in a grating monotone. Once, near the end of of his life he decides to leave his village on impulse, on the local bus, to see what is beyond his valley. He has a panic attack in the car park and the bus driver has to help him home. Perhaps I should feel sorry for him but really I’m just like: Get your shit together. Honestly.
Regular readers may recall my reading of MEMOIRS OF A FOX HUNTING MAN, which was – astonishingly – about fox hunting. You would have thought I would be well prepared for the second book in the trilogy, MEMOIRS OF AN INFANTRY OFFICER, to be about the Infantry, but I am not sure anyone can really be prepared for what Sassoon went through. Here is a representative sample of his experience, as an officer in the first World War:
Shell-twisted and dismembered, the Germans maintained the violent attitudes in which they had died. The British had mostly been killed by bullets or bombs, so they looked more resigned. But I on remember a pair of hands (nationality unknown) which protruded from die soaked ashen soil like the roots of a tree turned upside down; one hand seemed to be pointing at the sky with an accusing gesture. Each time I passed that place the protest of those fingers became more expressive of an appeal to God in defiance of those who made the War. Who made the War? I laughed hysterically as the thought passed through my mud-stained mind. But I only laughed mentally, for my box of Stokes-gun ammunition left me no breath to spare for an angry guffaw. . . . . Such sights must be taken for granted, I thought, as I gasped and slithered and stumbled with my disconsolate crew. Floating on the surface of the flooded trench was the mask of a human face which had detached itself from the skull.
As we entered it I noticed an English soldier lying by the road with a horribly smashed head; soon such sights would be too frequent to attract attention, but this first one was perceptibly unpleasant. At the risk of being thought squeamish or even unsoldierly, I still maintain that an ordinary human being has a right to be momentarily horrified by a mangled body seen on an afternoon walk, although people with sound common sense can always refute me by saying that life is full of gruesome sights and violent catastrophes. But I am no believer in wild denunciations of the War; I am merely describing my own experiences of it; and in 1917 I was only beginning to learn that life, for the majority of the population, is an unlovely struggle against unfair odds, culminating in a cheap funeral. Anyhow the man with his head bashed in had achieved theoretical glory by dying for his country in the Battle of Arras, and we who marched past him had an excellent chance of following his example.
CHERRY by Mary Karr
This is a story of a wild adolescence in Texas. The most interesting part was about sex. Perhaps this is unsurprising. But what surprised me was that it was about a girl wanting to have sex. There was a lot of crushes, and dates, and deflowering. It made me realise how rarely one reads about women wanting sex. I have read so very very many books about male desire (Roth’s PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT; Miller’s appalling TROPIC OF CANCER); and suddenly reading this one I was aware of how little I’d read about women. I can’t believe i never really noticed this before. No wonder men so often think we’re not up for it.
Less interesting was the extensive drug experimentation. Writing about tripping is as dull as writing about your dreams, but druggies rarely seem aware of this. Even recovering addicts, whose books are all about how drugs destroyed their lives, often have the idea that it is interesting for you to hear about this time a kitten turned into a flower. This book has lots of that, so I mostly skipped those bits. I felt a bit bad; I always feel bad when I find memoirs boring, because they are the actual story of someone’s life. No doubt, we all think we are interesting.
I was also a little annoyed by the author’s clear conviction that she had a tough childhood. There is lots in here about how awful small town Texas was, which is a little hard to take. She had two parents and a car and a free public school to go to. It’s not exactly Darfur.
I did find one great piece of wisdom in this book. I do on some level read to learn, and I didn’t exactly expect this book to be a source of profound insight. But here it is; the advice of the girl’s mother on competing with other girls: YOU JUST HAVE TO BE SMARTER THAN THOSE WHO ARE PRETTIER, AND PRETTIER THAN THOSE WHO ARE SMARTER.
If I ever have a daughter, I’m giving that to her as a crossstitch sampler the year she turns thirteen.
(If interested, I recall I have also read another book by Karr, about her descent into alcoholism – LIT)
TIES by Domenico Starnone
This is a fine novel, translated from the Italian, about a man who leaves his wife and children for a graduate student twenty years his junior. Eventually he gives her up and goes back to them. In many stories this would be a story about a mistake that ends in redemption. TIES is the reverse. The affair is the redemption; and returning to the wife and small children is the mistake. The novel is set some thirty years after the affair, and we see how both husband and wife’s lives have been wasted; the one in staying in a relationship in which he is not truly interested; the other, in dishing out revenge on a daily basis for decades. Sometimes being happy takes courage.
Affairs are rarely positive in fiction, which is I think interesting. Does this reflect life? Or does this reflect a morality we wish applied to life? In any case, TIES is an unusual and very excellent upending of the traditional story. It made me wonder what is going on in Italian fiction. It reminded me of the remarkable Italian author Elena Ferrente, and her novel DAYS OF ABANDONMENT, which tells a similar story from the wife’s perspective (and very similar; Naples, elderly upstairs neighbour, smallish children). Then you guys I googled it and, Starnone and Ferrante are not just both Italian authors, and not just both from Naples, and not just both married, but they are married to each other. This somehow confounds me. What a strange joint literary project. I don’t know why, but I find it kind of sleazy.
THE ADVERSARY by Emmanuel Carrere
This is a French true crime novel. Why am I reading it? Who knows. I can’t even remember where I found it. I do love true crime TV, but am typically too embarrassed to be buying true crime fiction. Perhaps it being French gave it a veneer of respectability. Anyway, I’m glad I read it, because it tells of a truly fascinating and bizarre crime. Actually, the crime itself is not so fascinating, or bizarre. Some man kills his wife, children, and parents. I mean in America this is hardly even a crime. What makes it interesting is that the murderer, Jean-Claude Romonde, an apparently boring bourgeois family man, has been living a life of total deception before the murders for almost twenty years. It takes some going for the mass murder you commit to be the least interesting part of your life story.
It all starts in his second year at University, where he oversleeps and misses his last exam. Instead of just retaking the exam, he decides to pretend he has passed. He continues to pretend to his friends that he is a student, and to buy books, and study, and walk around the hospital, for the next five years, until he ‘graduates’ with the rest of them. He marries his college sweetheart, and moves on to pretending he is a high profile doctor at the WHO. In fact, he just goes to their lobby and sits there for a bit, before going to sleep in a lay-by. Then he goes home. And he does this for twenty years! Sometimes he pretends to go on a business trip, checking into the airport hotel for a few days, and reading the guide book for where he is supposed to be.
He also does a lot of ‘investing’ for his family and friends – in fact, just stealing their money to fund his lifestyle of daytime napping. So for years he knows that the whole thing must come to an end at some point. When it does – when someones asks for their money back – he responds by killing everybody + the family dog. I mean, wow.