Once upon a time a young man was savouring the pleasures of a new car. He was thinking that there were really occasions when a car seemed to drive itself as it were, seemed to respond to some remote stimulus independent of the driver. It had its moments of cursedness, of course, when it whined and snorted for no particular reason, then there were moments of heavenly smoothness when it floated on the crest of some intangible wave . . . It was like when you have gone into a woman. Some of the time is taken up with clumsy flopping about; trying futilely to find the perfect position and rhythm. Then there are moments of complete synchronization of limbs which seem to come about without effort.
It was going to be one of those mad, mad Mondays in Lagos, when motor traffic was snarled up all over the town in hot, murky despairing stretches. The people who owned cars all observed the ritual of the beginning of the week with religious fervour. On Monday, after the weekend interruption, they resumed the grim scramble for crusts that feel off the tables of the great of the earth.
For instead of continuing to function and perhaps getting the better of time and circumstances, he simply allowed them to take the initiative and suppress him. In life as in sports the important thing is not to win but to go on performing.
(Christianity) offered the negative values of self-denial and humility. These values were contrary to his concept of himself. And they were certainly not of much use to his people. Self-denial was not much of an achievement, if you were born in circumstances under which it was inescapable. . . . An attitude of stoicism was possibly the best response to such a hard life but it would be cruel to try to make what was obviously a heavy burden appear like a virtue. . . . But if intellectually he had drawn away from Christianity, emotionally he was attracted back. Especially during his period of despair. Christianity was invented by underdogs for underdogs. And Onuma had become one of the deprived of the earth.
Please I am looking for this book
I need to download a copy.
Where and how please?
Sorry, I don’t know where to find a copy!
Look for it in an old library,eg, University of Nigeria, Nsukka or UNIBADAN,IBADAN or even UNILAG. If the main library fails you,then try the staff library. Lastly, IGBOBI GRAMMAR SCHOOL, LAGOS.
You can get it on this website:
But it is a paid subscription platform.