I’m reviewing occasionally for AFRICA BOOK CLUB at the moment, a very worthwhile venture, giving African literature a higher profile on the web. My review for them, which is much more formal and well behaved than is usual for this blog is here.
Let me just give you a charming little story from the book, that tells us pre-colonial Ibo had the same problems as us . . . .
Mosquito had asked Ear to marry him, whereupon Ear fell on the floor in uncontrollable laughter. “How much longer do you think you will live?” she asked. “You are already a skeleton.” Mosquito went away humiliated, and any time he passed her way he told Ear that he was still alive.
Interesting story…lol.
I love it! I spend half my life awake because of stupid mosquitoes! Now at least I know it is a love story x
Thank you so much for pointing me to that website which I had somehow not known about. Silly really. Great review! Also, really enjoy the story 🙂
I found it through Geosi Reads – do you know it? I think you may – great blog from Ghana!
I do know Geosi yep 🙂